Installation Guide

Welcome to the ATRC installation guide! Follow the steps below to install and integrate ATRC into your project.

Step 1: Download ATRC

You can download the latest release of ATRC from the official GitHub repository:

Once downloaded, extract the contents of the archive to a directory of your choice.

Step 2: Set Up Your Project with CMake

Use the following example to configure your project with CMake to include the ATRC library:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
    # Include the ATRCConfig.cmake script
    # Link the ATRC library
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${ATRC})
    # Include ATRC headers
    target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ATRC_2.2.0/include")

Replace ATRC_2.2.0 with the version number of the ATRC release you downloaded if it's different.

Step 3: Build and Run

After configuring your project with CMake, build the project using your preferred build system:

  1. Run cmake to generate the build files:
  2. cmake -S . -B build
  3. Build the project:
  4. cmake --build build
  5. Run the executable from the build directory:
  6. ./build/MyProject

Additional Notes

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